Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Vacation Update

So here we are at 10,142 feet in Leadville Colorado. Spent the first night in Amarillo, seeing Dani's brother and his family. Then off to Colorado Springs. Finished up my fourth to the last class from the motel (2 auditing classes and the Capstone ... Why I love UOP LOL.. (remain). Online classes have their advantages! We have been here many times, but had never taken the cog train to the top of Pikes Peak. It was a little pricey ( I thought..but what isn't in Colorado Springs LOL) but was well worth it. Saw some really great scenery and hiking trails. And the storms hit as we reached the summit...That was an awesome display to be so close to. We encountered more rain going up to Breckinridge and back down ( up LOL to 10,142) where I am posting this. It is needed here, but nearly as bad as home. We have really enjoyed seeing snow still on many mountains. Maybe more later, wireless connections are getting harder to find as well as sbc yahoo access numbers ( Thanks Justin and Holly) wink wink.


Blogger H Noble said...

Well why you guys didn't fly to some far off place, I don't know but I am glad you are enjoying yourself. I am deathly jelious.

8:23 AM

Blogger mrscoutmaster said...

Woke up in Gunnison Thursday morning and it was 48 degrees.My kind of July

9:22 AM

Blogger H Noble said...


3:20 PM

Blogger TreyJ said...

That's great summer weather! Planning on any Jeep tours while in Colorado? :-)

7:43 AM

Blogger H Noble said...

I'm glad you guys made it to Colorado. Sounds like a fun time. My family went camping in New Mexico last week. I guess we can't be too jealous, Justin, as we've been flying all over the country. :)
Hope you are taking pictures!!!

2:26 PM

Blogger mrscoutmaster said...

Yes we took some And saving the jeep tour for the first oldgoat/billy goat reunion get

11:34 PM

Blogger ArmandII said...

Old goat/billy goat reunion huh? Now that's an idea. :-) I'llsee what I can do.

As for Colorado...did you go by Jelaine and my old stomping grounds? Haven't been back since graduation, personally, but it is beautiful.

Kilroy was here!

11:30 PM

Blogger Scott said...

sounds like fun. Need to get out more, when is retirement? or extended vacations?

12:51 AM

Blogger mrscoutmaster said...

If I remember to play the lottery and win, retirement is soon. Otherwise I still have a few

8:04 AM


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