Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Been a while

Sorry folks it has been a while since I checked any of this. lol. If you haven't read, we had a great time in Nashville with Justin and Holly. It seems like since we got home there have not been enough hours in the week. The garden is still producing tomatoes, peppers, and cantaloupe. We get a little okra now and then. School is taking more and more time. Justin has been great as a resource for my auditing classes I have been taking. I am down to 1.5 classes and I will be finished. Well I have to clep two classes. lol. We have done some things at the house at the end of my property where Dani's mother lives. It is more like home to her everyday I think. As if I needed something else.....I am taking tax classes for H & R Block as well. I did this a couple of years ago and enjoyed doing taxes for them. I guess I wanted to be sure I didn't get too much sleep. By the way. A prayer for Mr. Weis would be appreciated. I found out today his cancer is back. They are not sure if they are going to try anything else to treat him. I will keep you posted. More later. May the great master of all scouts be with you until we meet again.


Blogger TreyJ said...

Hey Lannie, thanks for the update. Sounds like you're staying plenty busy! Congrats on almost being done with your degree. School seemed a little more fun once I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

8:59 AM

Blogger H Noble said...

Ok. You have time for the garden, but not Blogs? Come on now...

Just kidding. Glad you aren't bored.


5:39 PM

Blogger mrscoutmaster said...

Well taking care of the garden makes your Mother happier than me blogging.lol

10:47 PM


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