Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, I am surprised I am not on "The List" that Justin has for not blogging. The holidays went well, but unfortunately we lost Papa John. Dallas is still doing well. My oldest son and his bride to be moved into their new home. The state implemented a new program at work that doesn't work correctly (government in action) and we haven't stated the next project at the home yet. I have cut a lot of wood for mother in law and us to burn. I also found time to take tax classes and am working for H & R Block after my real job. I also found time to test out of my last class!!!! I am unofficially an 'official' college graduate. It will take a couple of weeks for the college to get the score, but after that I will apply for my diploma. We are already making plans to go to Phoenix on July 6th so I can walk!!!!! I guess better late than never on the degree. Working of the resume. Never know what doors the degree might open. Well that is the condensed version of the last three No that school is over I may have my life back. Will try to get around this blog thing more often. I hope this finds everyone doing well.