Checking In
I went to the Frisco Rough Rider game with Justin August 31 and we talked about the blog. I guess I should post by more often. I usually read those that I have access to ( can't get to Trey's anymore). We had a great time at the game. If you get a chance, get to the ball park in Frisco. We also talked about making a Fort Worth Cats game next season. Hey maybe we could make it to the Air Hogs game in Grand Prairie as well.
Eli is growing like a weed. I got to see him crawl for the first time. Work is going well. We should be in our new (to us) office space in a couple of weeks. I am having knee surgery Sept 5th. If all goes as they said, it should be good as new in a couple of weeks.
( Did I mention Justin really has a problem with HOV lanes? lol)
Donny, Troy, and I went to the WR ordeal. We built a new primitive campsite (with the help of a clan). It will be set up to allow troops to practice Philmont style camping. Sump ( bring your own sump thing), fire rind, and bear cables. Should be a great help if people will use it.
On our way back to the parking lot, Donny and I stopped and visited my vigil site. If was a great feeling. It brought back some great feelings.
Dallas is doing well. He has had surgery on one eye and is seeing things he has not seen in years. They are suppose to do the other eye in the near future.
I hope things are going well for everyone. Keep in touch. I have plans to post more often.
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